02139, Cambridge, Massachusetts - May 11, 2021
Event Planning Services$85.09 - $104.40 per hour Price includes event planning. Estimate takes into account planning parties, weddings, and corporate events. Cost does not account for materials, supplies (including food), and rental fees.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
01760, Natick, Massachusetts - May 11, 2021
Event Planning Services$87.76 - $107.68 per hour Cost estimate includes event planning labor. Includes planning parties, weddings, and corporate events. This estimate does not include materials, supplies (including food), and rental fees.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
01702, Framingham, Massachusetts - May 11, 2021
Event Planning Services$87.76 - $107.68 per hour This is a general cost for event planning. Estimate takes into account party planning, wedding planning, and other events. Excludes materials, supplies (including food), and rental fees.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
02205, Boston, Massachusetts - May 11, 2021
Event Planning Services$86.46 - $106.08 per hour Cost estimate considers labor for event planning. Price estimate includes planning parties, weddings, and corporate events. Does not include materials, supplies (including food), and rental fees.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
01853, Lowell, Massachusetts - May 11, 2021
Event Planning Services$83.78 - $102.80 per hour Price includes manhours for event planning. Also includes planning parties, weddings, and corporate events. Cost estimate excludes materials, supplies (including food), and rental fees.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |