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When selecting a convention or conference to attend, what is most important to you?

The reputation of the keynote speaker
The opportunity to network with other professionals in your field
The opportunity for you to present
The overall quality of the program
The city in which the convention is located
The registration fee for the convention
The venue/hotel/conference center in which the convention is held
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Question: When selecting a convention or conference to attend, what is most important to you?
Top Answer (42% of 61 votes): The opportunity to network with other professionals in your field.

Answer: The opportunity to network with other professionals in your field
Explanation: We have an excellent preferred vendor list and always reach out to meet new vendors in our industry.
Shahnasarian Hall
Answer: The overall quality of the program
Explanation: There are a few factors that will would entice me to attend a conference or attend. The most important is the quality of the program, then opportunity to network and then the venue/ hotel/ conference center in which the convention is held. The venue will determine the convenience of my attendance.
BOK Productions
Answer: The city in which the convention is located
Explanation: Redwood City
Answer: The overall quality of the program
Explanation: I believe that continuing education is a must. I make it a priority to attend as many educational events as possible.
Hermosa Grace
Answer: The registration fee for the convention
Explanation: If the fee is outside of our budget it doesn't matter how good the program is.
Catering by Olde Tymes
Answer: The overall quality of the program
Explanation: There are so many great conventions and conferences happening around the world today. To really find the best fit, I look at the overall quality and ROI for our company. What will the team get out of it? Who is presenting? How can we better our business and/or ourselves by attending? Will there be something educational, new trends or ideas we can use to assist with our growth? Or something new we can share with our clients? Will there be an opportunity for us to meet like minded professionals or possible clients? Is there a platform for us to present our expertise on as well. There are so many variables if finding the best overall quality convention or conference to attend. These are just a few that come to mind.
Grace Event Productions
Answer: The overall quality of the program
Explanation: Selection is determined by the overall quality of the program including, the guest speakers, education and networking opportunities and location.
Answer: The opportunity to network with other professionals in your field
Explanation: Networking with others in the same field is always beneficial to growing my business
Simply MAJiK
Answer: The overall quality of the program
Explanation: This really doesn't need much an explanation. I am looking to spend my money on quality, just like my clients are.
Garfield Event & Travel
Answer: The overall quality of the program
Explanation: It is important that the topic be relevant to my life and pertain to my business.
Two Girls In Pearls Events
Answer: The opportunity to network with other professionals in your field
Explanation: It is important to continue to grow my network of professionals so that I can better serve my clients needs.
Decorator For Hire
Answer: The registration fee for the convention
Explanation: Because I am at the bottom of the price indicator for the wedding business I must be very careful of the prices for the registration fees
Happy Ever After Wedding Officiant
Answer: The opportunity to network with other professionals in your field
Explanation: It is important for us at Infinite Wave to expand our network to find other like minded businesses and individuals so that we may grow our business and help others to do the same.
Infinte Wave Productions
Answer: The reputation of the keynote speaker
Explanation: It depends on who is disseminating the information. Besides the price that's the main reason for attending a conference ...what kind of information am I going to get out of it.
Hiller & Co., Event Management
Answer: The opportunity to network with other professionals in your field
Explanation: Its always worth it to network with others in your field to find out more information or how to improve your business or stand out.
Crafted By Chaz
Answer: The opportunity to network with other professionals in your field
Explanation: It is always great to expand your network with other professionals. It also gives more access to tools to use with my clients.
Sapphire Event Planning
Answer: The opportunity to network with other professionals in your field
Explanation: Of course I attend conventions to learn more about being a small business owner as well as gaining expertise from the keynote speakers, however, I feel like the best way to network your business is one on one interaction between business owners and consumers. Therefore, I am always looking for an opportunity to have a conversation with other entrepreneurs about their experiences and me to share mines as well. Sharing contacts and referrals are also very effective ways to gain much needed exposure for all small businesses.
I Do Events
Answer: The overall quality of the program
Explanation: Educational value is the most important reason for considering whether or not to attend a convention or conference.
neu events
Answer: The city in which the convention is located
Explanation: Travelling out of state is time consuming and costly for my company to send me to any convention or conference.
Newport Aquarium
Answer: The opportunity to network with other professionals in your field
Explanation: I would like to network at least once per month to meet other area professionals and gain more knowledge about the corporate event industry.
Newport Aquarium
Answer: The overall quality of the program
Explanation: The quality of the program is very important to me because I want to make sure I'm passing on good information and product to my customers.
Ferrero's Fashion Boutique
Answer: The opportunity for you to present
Explanation: Growing a business is my focus so my presentation matters most and this point.
In the Moment Event Planning and Design
Answer: The reputation of the keynote speaker
Explanation: The reputation of the keynote speaker would determine whether I would find the value in the money I might spend to attend, the trouble I might go through to get the city (travel arrangements etc) and if the information is of any value as well.
Big C Consulting Services LLC
Answer: The venue/hotel/conference center in which the convention is held
Explanation: Prefer a facility that has good accommodations, clean.
The Mortgage Nanny
Answer: The opportunity for you to present
Explanation: I have a powerful message that I know will help people achieve personal success. I can also powerfully demonstrate my philosophies and concepts. I am also looking to promote my skills, develop other business opportunities and networks with other professionals.
Peter Kingsley
Answer: The opportunity to network with other professionals in your field
Explanation: Because I am in the MLM business my interest is to always meet people
5 Linx
Answer: The opportunity for you to present
Explanation: I am passionate about sharing what I have learned. I am looking for new speaking opportunities.
Zest Business Consulting
Answer: The overall quality of the program
Explanation: It is a pleasure and honor to support those who are making an impact with a high quality program. "Impact" is most important.
Michael Hartzell International
Answer: The opportunity for you to present
Explanation: At this point in my career I mostly attend because they have hired me to speak.
B9D, Inc.
Answer: The reputation of the keynote speaker
Explanation: I prefer listening to people who have more experience in a particular subject than I do.
Biz Centers
Answer: The opportunity for you to present
Explanation: I love to help and reach as many people as possible with my program NinonSpeaks Media Image teaching
NinonSpeaks Media Image
Answer: The city in which the convention is located
Explanation: Location and associated travel cost plays a big factor for me.
El Lodge Taos
Answer: The overall quality of the program
Explanation: The program must be able to provide valuable information and networking opportunities as well as be in a convenient location.
SuperStarz Business Network
Answer: The opportunity for you to present
Explanation: As a speaker, I do look for places to present. But more than that, I want to present and be in the midst of my ideal clients.
Elevating Your Business
Answer: The opportunity to network with other professionals in your field
Explanation: it is very important to always network
Western & Southern Life
Answer: The opportunity to network with other professionals in your field
Explanation: Since I am looking to switch job industries it would be great to link with other professionals in that line of business to create possible leads for job opportunities.
PHT International, Inc.
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